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EKKLESIA: The Church - What are we meant to look like?

Lift Church

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

The word translated "church" in our Bibles was the word "ekklesia" in the Greek. It appears for the first time in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus speaks about how he was going to build the "ekklesia" and the gates of hell would not be able to stand against it.

So what did Jesus intend by using this word "ekklesia"? This word was actually a very common word. And it means, "an assembly that is called forth". In our modern days, there are some who would focus on the "called out-ness" of the ekklesia. And while it is true that the church is meant to be holy and set apart for God, the focus of the word "ekklesia" really is on a gathering of people that is called FORTH.

While Jesus said that he is the one that "builds the church", a moment before that declaration, he also makes it clear that he gives the church the "keys to the kingdom". The church is called forth to use these keys effectively in helping people enter the kingdom of God!

The church is definitely not a building.

The church is also definitely not an individual working by him or herself.

The church is intended to have the synergy of a team working together to accomplish the goal of seeing the kingdom grow.

I can't wait for the restrictions to be lifted for the church to be able to gather in person again, because it is a vital part of what the church is. However, I am also appreciating this season of refocus and having a greater clarity on what Lift is meant to be gathering TOWARDS. I can't wait to share what God is putting on my heart in the coming weeks!

- Nate

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